Early bird Price $255 | Regular Price $275
Location: Young Upstairs Room
This full day workshop explores all the nuances of adding, growing, and improving any Plant Health Care (PHC) programs in your business, discussing the “how to get started” to “how do I grow my business’ existing services?”
We will cover a wide range of topics from getting started in PHC to safety, product and equipment choices, regulations, the different type of applications, diagnostics, Consulting Arborist Conversations, and pricing of services.
No matter what level your company is at in performing PHC, this workshop covers the details of safety to be considered, how to present and prescribe PHC to your clients using a holistic approach, and how to consider pricing of your services.
This workshop will cover different diagnostic techniques, tools, and different considerations in the recommendations for the treatments and care of your client’s trees, all while considering our environmental responsibilities with the prescription of pesticides.
There is a shifting paradigm in PHC as our profession considers the use of fertilizers versus biologicals and pesticides versus products that induce Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) of Induced Resistance (IR). We will introduce some of these products as well as the concepts of how they work and the expectations of success.
Attendees of the PHC workshop will leave with an introduction of different equipment, products and approaches to caring for trees, and an understanding that proper PHC requires cultural practices, which will be discussed within many of the tree care issues faced by Arborists in the North East.
8:00 am - 3:00 pm Classroom Instruction
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch (Included)
NY - Category 3A - 2.75 CEUs
New England States reciprocate with NY or MA
MA – Approve 3.5 CEUs for Core and Cat....... 36 (Turf & Ornamental)
NJ - Core 4 CEUs, Ornamental 3 CEU's, Forest 2 CEUs
NY DEC - 2.75 CEUs
ISA: Practice 2, Management 2.75, Science 1 - 5.75 credits total broken down as previously stated by category 2 credits for Practice, 2.75 credits for management and 1 credit for science.
Click here to see a video from Aaron Dickinson
Aaron Dickinson